The second single off Stolas‘ upcoming self titled record just dropped today.
In reference to what the new track is about, Carlo Marquez posted on Facebook earlier:
“I’ve never experienced anxiety until a couple years ago. This song is for anyone who knows how horrible the feeling is. I’ve curbed that feeling but it’s hard to get out of your head sometimes.”
I spoke with Carlo earlier today about the response to the new tracks:
“The response has been pretty good. I was almost expecting some kind of backlash. So far there’s no screams so I assumed that would be a problem with some of the fans who were expecting this material to be similar to our first two records.
These few singles are pretty indicative of the over all style of the new record. “
Check out “Bellwether” and “Damage Division” below and stay tuned for more with Stolas in the next few weeks in regards to their new album as a whole!
Stolas’ self titled album will be released 3/17/17 on Equal Vision Records.
Pre-Order the new self titled record by clicking here!
Grab tickets for all of Stolas’ upcoming shows with Icarus The Owl and Mylets by clicking HERE!