There is something about this record that is just so powerful. C.J. has this impressive way of writing lyrics that perfectly fit the rest of the soundscape. RHF is truly one of those acts that has such a relatability about them it’s kind of eerie.
Right now the band is finishing writing what will be another independent release. They will hit the studio early 2017 to begin recording LP #3. C.J. took some time off from writing to share his favorite records with us.
*Thumbnail Photo by Jonathan Mazaltov @mazalthan
Radiohead- In Rainbows
“Definitely an album that will remain as a consistent importance to my musical thought process throughout the rest of my career. In Rainbows is the number one album that forever changed my perception and intake of music. I began to look at it as more of an art form of deep human expression and less of just a catalog of coherent songs by a genre bound band/artist. Radiohead in general was a life changing listen, but this album is something that can never be forgotten or worn out to me. It’s material goes far beyond any kind of assumed musical background and stretches far out into a land of untouched creativity which harbors impeccable soundscapes and secretive, one of a kind production aspects. I could literally go on and on about this record, but to conclude, this album will always stay number one on my list.”
“This record is definitely one that has embedded itself deep within my foundation as a musician. It is simply an indie-rock masterpiece start to finish and could probably never be matched again, making it a classic. Tourist History is definitely a very strong influence on my style of writing in terms of the pop rock aspects that can be found in my music. Even if I never listen to it again, it’s impact with my songwriting will always be there as a knee-jerk influence.”
“TDAGARIM holds a very special place in my heart. It is an album that was for a very specific time in my life. It will continue to be a reminder of a life changing state of darkness I endured that brought me an entirely new form of light in the end of its duration. It’s explosive eeriness and constantly over peaking emotion is something that will stay as a beautiful scar on my musical mind. This album not only helped me through some gut wrenching losses in life, but also shaped my perception of layering tones and heavy hitting emotion I try to replicate in my own musical expressions. This record will always remain in it’s own abyss of spine chilling darkness that is impossible to look away from or not wander into.”
“Another time-sensitive and scarring record, Waves was definitely a heavy hitting album that also remains deep within my foundation. This band and album were an overwhelming obsession for me at the dawn of my musical endeavors. It’s atmosphere and deliverance is what makes it such an unforgettable listen that just had to be replayed and revisited over and over. To this day, I still hold this connection with this record and it can always bring me back to where I started. It’s heart tugging lyrics and beautiful orchestral backgrounds really helped shape a lot of perception for some of the more post-rock aspects of RHF.”
“Mind bending and emotionally spiraling, this album sets a bar wrapped so thoroughly in electric barbed wire it makes it impossible to reach or climb past. I first listened to this record when I was 15 or 16 and it’s something I have yet to grow or recover from. It’s ricocheting guitar work and Anthony’s skin crawling melodies and lyrical metaphors are one of many things that make it so hard to be even replicated by anyone. It’s like trying to visit a legendary and historical house that was said to have stood so mysteriously hidden from anyone only to find when it’s location is discovered, it’s already been broken down and swept away and all we can take in is the pieces of what it left behind. Juturna is an unforgettable nightmare of chaos and reality shattering material that will always trigger a bone-breaking echo in my mind with every listen.”
“Unfortunately I was pretty late on the Copeland train, but I’m glad I finally got on board. Regardless of my very recent indulgence in it, this record in specific has opened my mind to so many different ideas in songwriting that I feel will always remain a part of me. Aaron’s sweet and heart melting melodies are something new I’ve adopted into my style of vocal writing and deliverance. There’s something about this record that has such a familiar and classically vintage tone to it that makes it so easy listening and delicate. Songs like “Cover What You Can” and “I’m a Sucker For A Kind Word” definitely describe that classic vibe I get from this record. This record as a whole is such a brightly beautiful yet somber listen that has grown to become a very impactful influence for my approach towards writing.”
“Just like Juturna, this record is unmatchable in it’s own way. It’s very hard to accurately describe the tone in this record, but it blends such a unique twist of foreign sounding folk and neo-psychedelic based post hardcore which is what makes it such a successful product of experimentation. On top of the musical instrumentation itself, Jesse Classen’s vocals could not stitch the experiment together more seamlessly. If anyone else were to sing for this record, I imagine it would be lackluster and emotionally dull. Every time I hear a song off this record, it’s very hard to not just go back and listen through the whole thing because of how unforgettable of an experience it is for the ears and mind.”
“Out of all the greatness that From Indian Lakes has put out, this is the one i keep coming back to the most. It has such a restrained post hardcore type pop infused with Joey’s indie folky type tone and accenting that just makes it impossible not to get all up in your feels and violently bop your head back and forth to it. One thing I really admire is his distinct use of oddly shaped rhythmic patterns that help keep the record so punchy yet uniquely unpredictable and alive. Absent Sounds was definitely a vital go-to for everyone when writing for Rome Hero Foxes’, For When You’re Falling Backwards.”
“Oh boy, my close friends are probably giggling at this mention because of my former over-obsession with this damn record. This is actually the first hip-hop/rap record I ever listened to all the way through. I remember discovering it through my friend playing a song or two in his car and just hearing some of it I was like “Oh my god this is so undeniably tight! Where has this been?” Unfortunately, before this record I was never able to appreciate the artistic nature of any rap or hip hop. I was very uninformed on the genre and I feel like this was the perfect gateway for me to understanding the style and growth of what hip-hop and rap has become and once was.”
“A recent discovery, but a gold one. I’ve always heard of these guys but due to my ignorance on the matter, I frayed away from anything labeled as pop punk or lo-fi due to an uneducated assumption of a generic, predictable product. These guys were a good gateway for me into the better side of the pop punk and lo-fi world and really made an important impact on my writing as well recently. Their slight imperfections and performance is something that has helped me value music to a different level in being able to identify and appreciate the human aspect that recordings and bands sometimes lack. Never Hungover Again is a quick, messy summertime jam that you just wanna shout inaudibly out of tune all the way through when any part of a song off this album is heard.”
Check the band out live on one of their upcoming dates:
Listen to Rome Hero Foxes’ For When You’re Falling Backwards below: