MY 10 FAVORITE ALBUMS: Lucas Worley (Artifex Pereo)

I discovered Artifex Pereo on a tour last year where they were opening for Stolas and Eidola. I remember watching their performance and being blown away at the pure energy. You can hear the full range of emotions as Lucas Worley bares his soul to the crowd.
Ever since that show I’ve been a huge fan of the band personally. Just yesterday they released what I would consider their most impressive piece of work to date. The 11 track album, Passengers,  is truly so well done that it will no doubt end up on our Top 10 list for 2016.
Here are some of the influences of the great mind of Lucas Worley.

The Mars Volta – De-Loused in the Comatorium
“I still vividly remember hearing the intro to this record my junior year of high school. We had just got done with band practice and I was sitting in the car and just thinking to myself “Holy shit, music can sound like this!?”. Everything about it was so fresh and technical. Abrasive in the most beautiful way imaginable. It’s such a dynamic record, ranging from the most intense chaotic cacophony of craziness to the most chilled out, weird soundscape of emptiness. It definitely changed not only the way I listened to music, but for sure the kind of music I was interested in writing and playing. I could listen to only this album on a deserted island for the rest of my life.”

Thrice – The Illusion of Safety
“This was another high school jam. It’s hard to point to specific bands that influenced the way I wrote songs and played guitar more than this record. Everything about it was perfect. From the heavy drop tuned guitars, to the staggeringly beautiful melodies, to the amazingly poetic lyrics. This record defined what good music was for me. I’ve loved Thrice ever since.”

Silverchair – Diorama
“Silverchair has plenty of good records but the combination of the full orchestra and the level of songwriting on this album still blow me away to this day. I absolutely adore Daniel Johns’ voice and the elaborate textures of the orchestration combined with the “band instrument” tones blows me away. This record was co produced by David Bottrill who did quite a few other incredibly stunning records from Tool to Circa Survive which is probably why I’m so in love with how it sounds.”

The Dear HunterThe Color Spectrum
“This is kind of cheating as it’s really nine distinct albums in one. I had never listened to anything from Casey Crescenzo before I heard this collection of songs and to say I was completely blown away would be an understatement. The idea that colors can convey emotion is a very familiar feeling to me and the way they are represented within these songs touched every single part of me. The black songs feel dark, the blue songs feel fluid, yellow is perfect for a sunny morning car ride. It’s amazing to be able to put on songs that reflect the emotional mood you’re in and these do just that.”

Incubus – Morning View
“Because, duh. Incubus is the best, and this record is the best. Seriously though Brandon Boyd is one of my favorite vocalists of all time and his inflections on this album are perfect. Also I’ve always wanted to hide away in a beautiful place with the people I’m making music with and just write with no distractions of real life. I think the writing process really comes out in the songs and as someone who grew up at the beach on the west coast I feel the location, too.”

O’Brother – Endless Light
“This is a new record that quickly became a favorite and will stay in rotation for years to come. I’d listened to O’Brother before but nothing had really caught me enough to warrant repeat listens or really dive in. From the first preview of this record I was hooked by just the pure sonic tone that encompasses every aspect, from bass, to guitars, to drums, to the incredible vocal depth. Everything just sounds so huge and so spacey at the same time. There is some magnificent song writing on this record in the layered simplicity and everything about it makes me want to listen again and again. Knocked it out of the park with this one.”

Kanye WestLate Registration
“I love this record. Not gonna apologize for it. I haven’t listened to anything Kanye did after it but this one holds a special place in my heart. The instrumentals alone are absolutely fantastic and I could probably jam just those but there is some awesome writing as well. It feels true and from the heart and so much of it is so well constructed it’s hard to not love it. It’s too bad Kanye fell off so hard and went crazy because this album truly does show his talent and a producer and a writer, or maybe the talent of the ghost writers he surrounded himself with? Who knows, I don’t think I care.”

System of a Down – Hypnotize/Mesmerize
“I’ve always loved SOAD and have regularly jammed everything they’ve done. This collection of songs shows how much they progressed as a band with a message. The pop sensibility mixed with the heaviness mixed with the in your face sociopolitical lyrics on these records is pure beauty. This is their last ditch effort to try to get people to look at how fucked up everything is and the tone and context of the music is trying to say that as well. I think this was their last hurrah because they are just tired of the show of it all without any of the understanding or action behind it. Maybe not. Tony Danza cuts in line.”

The FaintWet From Birth
“Sometimes you just need to dance! Seriously though the mixture of live instruments and rad synth programming has always got me with this band. Everything about it is so fun and so much more approachable than a lot of music in this genre. There’s a pretty big nostalgia factor with this record too and it never fails to bring me right back to my early twenties. I also really dig the recurring riffs and themes that flow through all the songs, it creates a sense of flow that doesn’t get repetitive. Southern girls in London sing.”

John Prine – Great Days: The John Prine Anthology
“I would be a different person if it weren’t for John Prine. My Dad had this record growing up and on every road trip or family vacation it was playing. The simple witty song writing is both clever and comforting at the same time. As I learned to play guitar these were some of the first songs I played and added to my “campfire song” repertoire. There is something that just feels like home when I’m listening to John Prine and it’s something timeless and beautiful in a way that most music doesn’t do for me. I’ve never been a huge singer songwriter guy and I absolutely hate Bob Dylan but for some reason anything this man creates I love. I still haven’t seen him live and should probably do that sooner than later.”

Listen to Artifex Pereo’s brand new album, Passengers, below.

Purchase Passengers below:

Don’t miss them currently on tour with I the Mighty. Get your tickets HERE!
