MY 10 FAVORITE ALBUMS: Subtle Static

We met Subtle Static back in September of 2020. At a time when many artists were struggling on how to connect with fans, he focused on releasing great music and watched his network organically grow.

It was clear from the first time I listened to his music that Subtle Static had an understanding of pop song structure. At the same time, he also had an expert level grasp at sound design and electronic music as a whole. Fusing those together seamlessly is what he’s becoming known for.

He has just dropped his new single “The Way That You Care”. The instrumental is not what I was expecting at all, putting future bass on the shelf and trying his hand at something more drum n’ bass/breaks inspired. With every release, Subtle Static’s music seems more and more ready to break through to the mainstream.

To celebrate the release of this bright, imaginative new single, Subtle Static counts down his Top 10 Favorite Albums:

The Xx – xx
“Alt rock was something that inspired me a lot back in my younger years & still today. This album in particular sparked a lot of creative choices for me and lead to discovering the amazing producer behind it, Jamie XX.”

Odesza – In Return
“I remember listening to this album for the first time and getting mesmerized by the clean sounds and slight experimental vibes. I hadn’t been producing electronic music long at this point (maybe a couple years), so it gave me a lot of ideas at the time.”

Rüfüs Du Sol Atlas
“The sounds, vocals, drums all worked so well together in this album. Some really great memories of jamming out to this with some great friends. Rüfüs Du Sol has helped play a big part in finding my own sound.”

Alt-J – An Awesome Wave
“Another alt rock album that we would often have playing on road trips going surfing when I was living in Tasmania, AU. Still keep coming back to give this one a listen every now and then to get some vocal/musical ideas.”

Bon Iver – For Emma, Forever Ago
“Classic folk album that had an amazing creative direction, before writing electronic music, I was often sitting in my room writing folk songs on my guitar. Bon Iver’s unique vocal style was a starting point for me with developing a musical style of my own.”

Kilter – Through the Distortion
“A great electronic album from one of my favorite artists, really nice selection of sounds. Plus some collaborations with a few other artists I look up to, like LANKS.”

Flume – Flume
“2012 was the year I started attempting to make electronic music, literally because of this album. I had never heard anything like it before and fell in love with the style.”

Chet Faker – Thinking in Textures
“A smaller album but one that definitely had an influence in my early productions. Chet Faker (Nick Murphey) being another vocalist that has inspired me a lot.”

San Holo – Album1
“I had always listened to San Holo with his earlier EDM bangers, but this was new – the guitars and vocals combined into that style was something else. Many car trips were spent listening to this album multiple times through.”

Flume – Hi This is Flume
“Flume get’s a 2nd mention on this list, especially this album. It was so crazy, yet beautiful. It’s hard to pick out a number one, however, this one was special and helped introduce me to a lot of new artists that I enjoy listening to.”


SQWDBefore I Crashed Down

Stream Subtle Static’s new single, “The Way That You Care” below!