PONS Takes Us on a Tour of the Pons Estate

We were first introduced to experimental rock band PONS back in October of 2019.

The insanity is back with their new effort, The Pons Estate. The EP is 6 tracks with varying influence and intensity.

“INBOUND!” is a gypsy punk anthem. The perfect kind of bright chaos I would expect to usher us into this release.

There are more subdued moments like “BARDO” that is reminiscent of early Interpol. This actually ended up being my favorite track on the EP.

The intro and overall guitar riffs on “SEVEN ATE NINE” remind me a little of The Mars Volta. The track is fast and in your face but with a solid melody throughout.

I was really surprised to hear a drum machine be introduced on “JOHNNY PERSUASION (HABITAT 67)”. This may be the most different and experimental track on the record. It lures you into a false sense of security before punching you in the face.

All of that leads up to the closer “HUNGAHUNGA”. The band keeps you guessing. You never know what you’ll experience at any given turn in a PONS record. They seamlessly blend influences like Modest Mouse and Misfits to create something truly all their own.