Magic Finger Establish Themselves with Solid Debut Album

We got to know Magic Finger back in February when they released their infectious single, “Water Sounds With Cars”.

From the moment I heard that song I knew I loved this band and that song ended up on my personal permanent rotation. It sounds cliché, but whatever the illusive “X factor” is, this band has it.

They have just put out their first full length album titled I Guess That’s it on Happy Endings.

“Laid Off” is a relaxed intro. More of a lo fi sound than I’m used to from the band. This right up my alley; Interpol/New Wave inspired indie gold. There’s a ton of emotion poured into this song that’s especially evident in the breakdown.

“Spodomene” was my initial favorite track the first time I listened to this album. There’s a bit of punk rock attitude mixed with a dreamy guitar riff. This one reminded me a bit of Boxcar Racer. The song is fairly short, clocking in at under 2 minutes, again highlighting the underlying punk influence.

“Something About the Moment” is the band’s high energy second single. The distorted guitars and the vocal delivery shine with a 90’s inspired glisten. I was happy to hear the band explore the grunge era in their own way.

“Water Sounds With Cars” was the first song I’d ever heard by Magic Finger and it will always hold a special place in my heart. As soon as I heard it, it immediately went on my personal playlist. Something about the tone of the song brings me right back to high school, driving aimlessly in the car with friends.

“Heartache in Verse” is a ballad that showcases Margaret’s beautiful vocals. The guitar effect almost makes it sound like it’s coming from underwater, adding to the dreamy quality of the track.

“The Ballad of Cowboy Colin” reminds me of the emo classics I grew up on like The Get Up Kids. I’d say this is one of the more experimental and artistic songs on the record.

“Bunnies” is a stream of consciousness that would make Pat the Bunny proud. The folk element of the lyrics is really interesting and something I didn’t expect to hear on this release. There’s something markedly darker and more tortured about this track.

“Stairs” finds the group exploring some gang vocals to create one of the brighter songs on this album. I can just picture them playing this live while the audience screams along, arms around each other’s shoulders.

“Thoughts on Love and Climate Change” is a beautiful cool down that ends up being the perfect closer for this release.
The minimal instrumental lets the bass groove take control. Something about the sparse percussion brings me back to the 60’s classic “Stand by Me”.