The Canarys Use Quarantine to Create an Album From Their Bedrooms

The Canarys are a DIY duo from New Orleans. Alexander Hollins (guitar/vocals) and Marco Saah (drums) are both students at Loyola University and met during their Freshman year.

The band is inspired by 2000’s rock like The Raconteurs and Queens of the Stone Age.

They released their album, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, earlier this month.

The band only had one proper day in the studio during this creative process before COVID forced studios to shut down. This forced the two to reevaluate their plan and begin finding ways to finish the record from their bedrooms.

Ironically, the main theme of the LP is human connection. Something we all saw a lot less of during 2020.

This is a self described concept album wherein Alexander is Butch Cassidy (the talkative dreamer) and Marco is The Sundance Kid (the quiet specialist).

When asked about the biggest obstacle they faced during recording, Alexander had this to say:

“The hardest thing was the equipment limitation. The album was mostly recorded on one budget mic, a budget interface, and an old HP laptop. I mixed it myself, and I had to rig the interface headphone jack into the aux of my car to hear the full bass. Covid also made communication a nightmare.
When we were rehearsing twice a week and seeing each other every day on campus, we would be constantly talking, but after Covid we limited contact as much as possible to stay safe.
We ended up sending tons of files back and forth and having massive text conversations, which made an already complex project that much slower and more confusing.
Shout out to Google Docs.”
– Alexander Hollins

When I first heard this record, I legitimately thought it was a side project for Nathan Willett (Cold War Kids). The vocals are so similar it’s eerie.

There’s tons of 70’s rock/punk rock influence on Butch Cassidy.
Heavy blues guitar riffs take the driver’s seat throughout this album.
At a certain point in my listen I began to question if maybe these two were time travelers.
There’s a specific vintage sound and feel to every one of these tracks.

If you like blues and/or classic rock, you have to give The Canarys new album a try: