Photo by Alex Zarek

MY 10 FAVORITE ALBUMS: Tiny Kingdoms

Tiny Kingdoms was one of the first bands I started getting into during quarantine last year. Their single “Daydream” teleported me back to high school immediately on first listen.
It felt the same as when I first heard Cute is What we Aim For outside of a friend’s place at a house party.

The band has been fairly quiet since last May, at least until now. Their new single “All I Know” is equal parts catchy melodies, smooth riffs, and pop punk attitude.
If I heard this song without knowing who it was, I would honestly think this was The Academy Is… making a comeback.

To celebrate the release of this new single, the band took the time to countdown their Top 10 Favorite Albums with us:


Bright Eyes – I’m Wide Awake, It’s Morning
“This album has been an inspiration to me for quite some time now. The overall song writing and lyricism is so thought out and beautiful. It’s such an easy album to put on and listen to all the way through, and I’ve done it countless times. Even if you’re not a fan of folk/indie music, it’s still a great album and easy to get into. My favorite song is “We are Nowhere, and it’s Now.”

Childish Gambino – Because The Internet
“Between his acting and music career, Donald Glover is constantly showcasing his creative story telling abilities. I feel like it really shines in this album. Each song is a different vibe, and have special qualities of their own. He flawlessly bounces between genres in this album while still maintaining his “Childish Gambino” sound. My favorite song off the album is “The Worst Guys.”


The 1975 – Self-Titled
“It’s crazy to think that The 1975’s debut is almost a decade old. Every time I go back and listen it still sounds so fresh. That album was really eye opening in terms of song writing and how rock music can sound when mixed with elements of pop. When we first started Tiny Kingdoms we would jam that record all the time. It’s left a huge imprint on us and the music we write.” 

Hidden Hospitals – Surface Tension
“It’s really a shame that more people don’t know of Hidden Hospitals, they’ve been releasing great music for quite a while. From a production standpoint, their debut album Surface Tension is flawless. Their use of drum machines, synthesizers, mixed impeccably with the massive guitar sounds, bellowing drumming, and an amazingly executed vocal performance from front to back make it a very unique listen. The use of the drum machines especially had a very profound impact on my writing. Just hearing how they could be implemented in songwriting in such a tasteful way was, and is still very inspiring.”


Say Anything – …Is A Real Boy
“This record has and always will hold such a special place for me. It was the first album I heard where I went, “Wow, I  want to pick up my instrument and write.” From the lyrics to the instrumentals, it’s just such a tremendous record with a ton of range and depth. It’s always a go to for inspiration. It’s coming up on 16 years since the initial release and it still gives me that same excitement and motivation to create.”

Oliver Tree – Ugly is Beautiful

“This record sparked so much musical excitement and inspiration for me when it was released last year. Those songs were crafted and executed so well and the production on the record is insane with all the different sounds, textures, use of different instruments, and unique effects give those songs so many reasons to come back to the record and enjoy it.
On top of being a fantastic album, the music videos are some of the most fun and insane that I’ve ever seen, which matches the tone of their work.”


Circa Survive – Blue Sky Noise
“This album set a new standard, from a both a song writing and lead guitar player perspective. The songs flow so beautifully almost as if to tell a story as the album progresses. I have a vivid memory of listening to this record on a pair of broken headphones, only being able to hear one side, inspired by the various guitar parts that were panned to one side. The use of delayed guitars in various ways both contrasting and flowing with the rhythm has always been something that has left an everlasting in my guitar playing.”

The Offspring – Americana
“This record has a special place in my heart being one of the first albums I had ever purchased with my own money. I remember going to Rolling Stones records and buying this cd because of songs like “Pretty Fly (for a White Guy)” and “Why Don’t You Get A Job” and being pleasantly satisfied with every track. The album is fast, fun and a a great gateway to the world of punk rock.”


The Academy Is… – Almost Here
“As a band, I don’t know if there’s a record that’s had a larger impact on our sound and songwriting as much a Almost Here has. It really is just one of the few albums that I would consider to be a perfect pop punk record. Songs like “Attention” and “Slow Down” are absolutely incredible. The production and sounds of Almost Here will always, in one way or another, influence the music we create. 

Fall Out Boy – Folie à Deux
“Certainly one of Fall Out Boy’s best releases. From a creative standpoint, they really out did themselves with Folie. The lyrical content is arguably at its best on this album, and instrumentally its so much more diverse in its use of different styles and influences than their other records. As a band we’ve always strived to not limit ourselves artistically to a specific genre or specific sounds. If it sounds cool, we roll with it, and I think a big part of having that kind of outlook is thanks to records like Folie à Deux.”