Who is Matt Charleston?

Matt Charleston is singer/songwriter from Sydney, Australia.
He just released his debut album, Songs for the Weekend, yesterday to kick off 2021.

He describes his music as a blend of country, blues, and pop. I’d say that’s a fairly accurate assessment. While there is definitely a country feel to the tracks, it’s tough to call his music just one thing.
He cites his inspirations as John Mayer, Eric Clapton, Brad Paisley and Keith Urban.

He re-booted his career in 2019 when he released a single called “Two Songs For the Weekend” that ended up charting on UK radio. After which he began working on an album with 50 other Australian artists, producers, and songwriters. The songs were recorded within multiple studios across the city of Sydney. This new album serves as a follow up to that 2019 single and is appropriately titled, Songs For the Weekend.

I really like the fact that Charleston chose to feature lesser known singers and musicians on this record. Maybe it’s just being from the south but I enjoy the way he blends southern rock with more traditional pop music.
His vocal range reminds me a lot of one of my favorite bands, Silversun Pickups, slightly raspy and unique.
Listening to this album I get the feeling that I’m in a college music class watching someone explore ideas and build a cohesive project. That isn’t meant as a slight at all, it’s just to say this album feels very personal and is a great example of a DIY project.