Who Is Subtle Static?

Subtle Static (A.K.A. Joel Green) is a 24 year old Australian based producer.
He’s been involved with music most of his life, learning piano at age 4 and guitar a few years later.

He moved to Tasmania in his mid teens and got immersed in the electronic music scene. Little did he know that would change his overall life trajectory.
He experienced some recognition and gained a small following with a previous project that went viral on SoundCloud.

In mid 2019 after moving to Brisbane, Subtle Static was born.

“My plans for Subtle Static are pretty big. After producing for nearly 8 years I think I can make something fresh and new that people will want to keep coming back to listen.”
– Joel Green (Subtle Static)

Enjoy is his debut album for this project and the culmination of a ton of hard work and planning.
The LP features multiple vocal performances by Joel himself.

First off, the album artwork is amazing. I keep joking that the only good thing about 2020 is the album art I’m being submitted.

When you’re listening to Enjoy through as a whole project it is super cohesive. That’s the first thing I noticed. I almost couldn’t tell when I got to the next track which is one of my favorite things in an LP.
That fluidity is also amplified by the dripping synths throughout this project.
Vocal samples are solid and well recorded but not overused. As I mentioned he did most of his own vocals rather than relying on features from other artists. He definitely lets his production speak for itself for the most part. That just creates even more of the feeling that you’re in Subtle Static’s personal art gallery.

I also really appreciated that Enjoy is only 13 tracks. I’ve been seeing too many 25 track albums lately and it’s just overwhelming.
Joel seems to have painstakingly whittled down his collection of demos to bring his audience only the very best of his electronic storytelling.

Final thoughts: if you’re trying to astral project, this may be the album for you.