Cenza is a pop singer/songwriter/producer who’s extremely new to the music scene. She just released her first single in April of 2020 to some great response.
Before entering into the world of music, Cenza had already established herself as a critically acclaimed actress on shows like The Blacklist and Billions.
This month, she dropped her second single, “Thriving” and I think the title speaks for itself.
This artist has a huge personality with an even bigger voice. I noticed influence from more classic singers such as Judy Garland to more modern ones like Lady Gaga.
Cenza discussed her favorite albums in depth with us:

Judy Garland- Judy at Carnegie Hall
“This is my favorite record of all time. It’s a live record, arguably the most famous performance of Judy’s in this one night only event from April of 1961. It’s such a powerful record to me because there is no known footage of this historic concert, just this audio. I prefer listening to live music, and this album on the record player is so raw, so vulnerable, so spontaneous. She was in incredible voice and health that night, and through every word she sings, she overcomes. I listen to the album when I’m feeling melancholy or nostalgic. It reminds me of why I first started performing, and it reminds me of my childhood. It’s very hard for me to do this album justice in just a few sentences, but it truly is everything to me.”

Stevie Nicks- Bella Donna
“Every song on this record is pure genius. It brings me back to my senior year of college when I was living in a basement trying to get through it all. Stevie’s lyrics have gotten me through a lot of hard times. The titular song really resonated with me at the time I discovered this album. “Come in out of the darkness.” That’s something we all need to hear at one time or another. She is a poet and this album is perfection. I love the raw qualities of this one as well. Her voice is so unique. Love “Think About It” and “The Highwayman.”

Lana Del Rey- Born to Die (Paradise Edition)
“This is my favorite Lana record because it helped me let go and discover myself when I first got to college. The lyrics here are dynamite, and I love how I get the sense that, in each song, she is playing a very specific character. That’s something that I really aspire to do in my music. I love the exploration of dark glamour in this album. Before I really heard this, I think I was afraid of darkness. This album made me embrace that side of myself rather than hold it in.”

Lady Gaga- Born This Way
“I just think this album is the epitome of pop. I love how Gaga is a pop star but has this incredible power and edge to her. She has some bubblegum moments, she has some rugged moments — it’s very inspiring to me to see pop practiced in such confident flux. I think a lot of these songs have been overlooked since they weren’t singles, but they are truly pop gold. “Hair,” “Judas,” “Highway Unicorn…” every song on the album. I love running to it too.”

Cher- Closer to the Truth
“This is Cher’s 25th studio album, and I think it’s the most underrated. I love hearing her age in the songs, not necessarily from how her voice has changed (because it really hasn’t that much) but just through the types of things she is singing about as a then near 70 year old woman. It’s such an empowering album — you have classic Cher anthems like “Women’s World,” “Pride,”and “Take It Like a Man” and some more vulnerable tracks like “I Hope You Find It” and “Lie to Me.” I really appreciate the variety of subjects this album explores, and Cher has the strongest and seemingly most vulnerable voice I’ve ever heard. It’s really inspiring to see her keep going stronger than ever. She is one of my heroes.”

Amy Winehouse- Back to Black
“This album often makes me sad, thinking about what could have been with this incredibly talented artist. This is the main piece that we remember Amy by, and she truly left us a gift with this. I listen to this album a lot in the mornings and when I’m cooking. I actually think it’s an uplifting album, and I’m so inspired by her musicianship and one of a kind voice.”

Donna Missal- This Time
“I was on the set of “The Blacklist” a few years ago, and one of the actors I was working with that day told me that her sister was an up and coming musician. I didn’t think much of it, until the year following when my friend asked me to go to a Donna Missal concert and I realized that was her sister. I quickly became obsessed with this album and with her. I really connect to Donna as a fellow native Jersey Girl who has some roots in musical theatre but wants to rock out.”

Britney Spears- Blackout
“I love what this album symbolically meant for Britney. Her hair was black, she wasn’t Miss America anymore, she was ready to reclaim herself, her sexuality, her voice. I have very vivid (and not so vivid) memories back in college drinking and dancing to this album with my best friend before we went out and it really got us in the perfect mood to go out and take no prisoners.”

Avril Lavigne- Let Go
“I had to include this because this was the first “real” album I bought back when I was 7, and I rediscovered it later in life when I got a car and dug up the CD. I wanted to be Avril Lavigne in first grade. I really believed that I understood what she was singing about in all of these songs when I was 7 years old. I love connecting with people my age who also had a similar experience with the album (there are a lot of us out there).”

“I mean, it’s ABBA. I love dancing to this album, I love singing to it in the shower. It’s just a classic. This album brings me back to pre-Covid days going downtown with my friends and dancing until 3am.”

Listen to Cenza’s new single “Thriving”:

Check out the video for Cenza’s first single, “City Lights”: