Watched Everything on Youtube? Here’s 5 Channels to Check out

Her series “Internet Analysis” delves into all different kinds of topics. The kinds of things you sit and talk about with your friends. That’s exactly what her videos feel like. From paying off credit card debt to the problems with “hustle culture” she doesn’t shy away from any topic that’s relevant to social issues. She’s consistently posting content that’s great for conversation. 

If you’re a rapper, producer, singer, songwriter, or anyone trying to make a career for themselves, in or out of the music industry: here’s your motivation. Curtiss has written and produced for many top artists and he constantly gives golden advice for free on YouTube.

Mac caught my attention by being the creator of the channel WeedTube. She is super entertaining and manages to make a whole channel centered around cannabis interesting. Even for people who don’t necessarily smoke, this channel is equal parts funny and relatable. Everything from story times to challenges, definitely a channel worth checking out.

Julien caught my attention with a series of “How To” videos for producers. He gets into subjects like “How to Make Textural Techno” and “How to Make Old School House Music”. He does a lot of videos exploring specific artists’ sound design styles and the way they achieve them. His channel is a never ending resource for anyone who makes music.

Based out of Florida Gulf Coast University this is a relatively new channel. Shelby Hancock is not only organizing events and giving us footage but giving us well thought out interviews on this channel.