Experience the First Ever Rockstar Disrupt Tour

*all photos by Belle Castillo @verybelle_
Also check out her photos from SwanFest 2019 by clicking here!

It was beautiful and sunny with clear skies, a perfect day in Tampa Florida. It was the day that the Rockstar Disrupt Tour would finally make it’s debut. An impressive lineup and set times spaced out on two stages. 

Hyro the Hero opened the show with loud and raw energy that could convince anyone to turn into a fan. Towards the end of his set, he jumped into the crowd to open up the pit. The crowd joined and didn’t take it easy on him, something that Hyro definitely appreciated.
Next up, was the beautiful Juliet Simms. Songs that filled the air with a calm and addicting atmosphere, still keeping the crowd alive and moving.

Trophy Eyes, an Australian based band, and Four Year Strong, a veteran to the stage, also proved themselves on stage, with their pop punk/ punk rock tunes. Closing down the Festival Stage was Andy Black followed by Sleeping with Sirens. Having never seen these artists live, know that they can get the crowd going and raise that energy bar higher than temperatures experienced that day.

Let’s turn our focus to the Main Stage. Memphis May Fire, and The Story So Far left a memorable impression on fans new and old.
Circa Survive threw the limit out the window with how amped fans were. Starting off their set, Anthony Green hopped off stage and sang with the crowd to “Act Appalled”. He finished out the song, jumped back on stage and later in the set, decided to switch shirts with a young woman and finished the set in her fringed crop top. A tough act to follow. It was Thrice’s turn to hit the stage next. Playing through their popular songs such as “The Artist In The Ambulance” and “Black Honey”.

It was finally time for The Used to hit the stage. Starting the set with a short clip on a white screen. As soon as the sheet dropped and was removed, “Take It Away” blared harmoniously through the crowd and through the bands performance. They played through their famous tracks, quoted Shakespeare, and played a cover of  Oasis’ “Wonderwall”. Afterwards Bert said, “ I hate Oasis”. They continued and closed out the set by bringing Kellin Quinn on stage to sing “A Box Full Of Sharp Objects”. 

We can’t wait for next year’s Rockstar Disrupt Tour!