On the debut EP, Blaise Bethan, lead vocalist and brains behind Missyou, shares,
”This EP flirts with the ideas of possession and bitterness and realizing the truth about each other’s dark secrets. It’s very much story songs. We write our songs like screenplays – this collection of songs is very much about loss and coming into your own.”

The New York City four-piece’s vision is to create music they can stand behind with an emphasis on storytelling, moving listeners through time. They believe in freedom of expression and that every picture and sound they create is part of a larger story.  Missyou pulls inspiration and influence from a broad spectrum of music as well as film and visual arts.
They counted down the ten albums that they pull the most influence from:

Elliot Smith- Either/Or: Expanded Edition
“Growing up very isolated and removed from pop culture very few things got through to me, but when I heard the way Smith wrote and the stories he told, it made me want to do that. He was a poet and did things with grace and simplicity and warmth – he’s sadness that haunts me still.”

2 Pac- All Eyez on Me
“The first time I ever heard this album it opened a world up to me in a way. It inspired me to stand up for myself. It taught me what it meant to let yourself out of the circumstances that you are dealt and to not except your fate but to make your own, he displayed this with a bravado that has yet to be seen again.”

Marilyn Manson- Antichrist Superstar
“This was the first concert my brother took me to. I was scared and unfamiliar with the music and metal and hardcore at that point I must have been 10 or 11, and it blew me away. Talk about a true performer – he is a legend and embodies the idea of a rock star.”

Eminem- The Eminem Show
“When I heard this for the first time, I knew that anything could be possible. I was angry and it fueled me, I think Eminem defined what it meant to push against social norms and say what you want, even if it gets you in trouble. He broke boundaries.”

The Used- The Used
“I lost people who were close to me and this is the first album and band that made me understand what people meant when they said music can save you. It made me want to be in a band.”

Radiohead- Kid A
“What can be said – I think I thought that these guys were from a different planet when I first heard them I will always admire them for being able to create music that pushes the experience of a pop song to the edge. They are unstoppable.”

Bright Eyes- I’m Wide Awake, It’s Morning
“This made me feel as though real songwriting comes from some place no one can taint. He sings and speaks in a way that is so relatable to the cold and lonely world we live in, and in doing so this inspired me to feel less alone. Such beauty in treachery of growing up.”

“6lack is such a prolific writer and he sings with levity and raps with ease. It’s digestible and sexy and makes you want more. The craft is never too slick on this record but I don’t think it matters where you come from – it transcends; you can cry to it, or fuck to it.”

The 1975- The 1975
“It is something to admire when a band can make pop music with weight. These guys create songs that are timeless, they pull from so many genres and pull it off. I love that I’m excited to see what’s to come.”

The Neighbourhood- Wiped Out!
“Swagger is something you don’t see often in today’s music scene, Jesse brings that in his lyrics and delivery. They transcend genres and show who they are, it makes me dream of California.”

Listen to Missyou: