Marrowstone- “The River”- Single Premiere

Marrowstone is an emo/hardcore band whose music has been shaped by the experiences and dreary climate of Marrowstone Island, Washington. For some members, the island is a place that symbolizes hope and a chance to change for the better. For others, it a solemn reminder of past relationships and that life is fleeting. These contrasting emotions play a major role in band’s style and musical composition, which has been compared to Touché Amoré and La Dispute.
It’s also easy to hear the influence of other groups such as From First to Last and Thursday in the special blend of melodic post hardcore Marrowstone bring to the scene.
This sound found a home in the band’s debut EP Dear Wolf, – a five-track plea for undeserved love and forgiveness. Marrowstone has been away reflecting and writing, and is set to release their new EP The Heavens, Earth and Sea on February 22 via We’re Trying Records.

Their new song “The River” is definitely going to be a new favorite for anyone who’s into emo/hardcore music in general. The perfect blend of melody and raw emotion is hard to find but it’s exactly why this is one of the band’s you need to be paying attention to. The accompanying music video proves this is a band with an awesome live presence. It makes you want to stage dive while screaming with Zach Baker (vocalist). This is the kind of band that helps you leave all the every day problems behind, even for a short time.

As a whole, “The River” is a desire to escape the comfortable settings of home, and expresses how the gloom and greyscale of Washington state reflects the feelings in Zach’s heart. The lyrics “my heart is stained in this same routine” perfectly epitomizes the jaded feelings the front man has towards society, and the selfishness and judgmental actions he has seen develop within himself. Zach’s exasperating cries heard throughout the song depicts a desire for a change of heart and perspective, and a want to exercise giving love to those who have hurt him. “The River” serves as a timekeeper for a place and season that’s already passed.

Watch the video for “The River” below:


The sky is always grey
and my heart is stained in this same routine.
These nights, they all feel the same,
and there’s a sense of hate in my present day.
While I seek, I see, the mountains hugging the river,
and a million evergreens. 

I thought I found home, but I left here alone. 

The stars they shine so bright tonight alone,
I’m all alone.
I drove out to these woods to try to make sense of a home.
This night doesn’t feel right, at least I tried to keep our tone,
but lost it in adventures, above trees where the winds blow. 

Im sorry for the promises I never seem to keep,
I’m always losing track of love and nowhere is peace,
but when the stars shine so bright tonight, look at them and know,
you set out to find hope and instead you found home. 

I got up alone, sat by a tree to find God, but I found him in me.
I get so blinded by my odds, love set me free, please reflect all of your promises, God, help me,
and remind me to, be still.
I don’t want to live another selfish minute,
to be selfless is all that I seek.
To give the gift of love,
to kill the ego that we please.

Listen to “The River” on your favorite streaming service by clicking here!