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While Maeve Gorman and Connor LeFevre may only be 17 years old, but between them they already share over 20 years of musical experience.
The two met on the internet after Maeve posted looking for a drummer in the PA/NJ area. So in January 2017, despite being over 100 miles apart, they began to exchange demos and form what is now Semblance.
Connor growing up in a house with two fathers and Maeve feeling rejected for embracing her sexuality led them both to become very personally involved in LGBTQ activism.
With their debut EP, I Love You, just a month from release they’re beginning of a journey to spread their message of self-awareness and self-love.
They both come from families which engaged in many different art mediums. I guess you could say they were destined to be where they are now. What are the records that influenced and motivated them to keep going?

Maeve’s 5 Albums:

Banks – The Altar
“I have listened to every song on this album an obscene amount of times and I’ll always jam out like it’s new. Every song from Banks is so good. There’s an atmosphere created by her music that makes me feel something different. I already loved this album but then I saw Banks live for the first time this past year – that was a complete game changer for me. The visuals, the dancers and choreography, her outfits, everything about her show was incredible. Her show was the only concert I’ve ever cried at.”

The 1975 – Self-Titled
“I don’t even know where to start with this one. This is the album I credit to really getting me into the alternative pop/rock side of music. It’s also the album that reignited my passion for music. There were a few years where I was still playing and making music here and there but I wasn’t letting music be what controls my life. I came across the song “Pressure” on tumblr in 2013 and it blew my mind. I got so into the band, it was beyond an obsession.”

The Neighbourhood – I Love You.
“I found out about The Neighbourhood and this album through The 1975. They were on tour together at the time so I figured if I love The 1975 so much that I should check them out. I had a pretty similar reaction to listening to them as I did The 1975. I didn’t get quite as obsessed with the band in general but I was obsessed with the atmosphere of their music, their style, and their black and white aesthetic.”

David Bowie – Heroes
“I love David Bowie so much. This album was the first I ever heard, when I was way younger than most of the others on this list. I was probably about 8 when I first heard it. This album was definitely a defining moment in what I find sonically appealing. The blend of sounds works so well but there was also some “weirdness” to it that I was all about.”

The Smiths – The World Won’t Listen
“This album was there through a lot. I heard this album at a younger age too, I was probably about 11 when I first heard it. It was there through the worst time in my life mentally. The style was so new and different from anything I had heard prior that I became obsessed and listened to The Smiths almost exclusively for a long time. What makes a song/album so good to me is how it makes me feel and this one was the first album that really made me feel. All of these albums evoke a certain emotion from me that’s otherwise almost impossible to grasp and I think that’s why they’re so important to me and why they defined my taste and style.”

Connor’s 5 Albums:

Periphery – Periphery II
“This was my gateway to technical metal and progressive music as a whole. The song “Scarlet” was one of the first metal songs I listened to and truly enjoyed. I tried learning it on drums when it came out – it did not go so well! I feel as though this album really pushed my progression as a musician and made me aware of the more advanced elements of music as a young kid. Before this album I had never really thought about complicated time signatures and how they could actually be applied to music outside of an instructional drum book. It also made me aware of things like poly-rhythms and the importance of limb separation – so this album was very important to me as a developing musician.”

Architects – Lost Forever // Lost Together
“This album means a ton to me as it was the first album I heard from my favorite band, Architects. This album really helped me through tougher times and inspired me to play live shows and really become a part of a band. Watching the music video for the song “Gravedigger” and just listening to it got me hyped to play music.”

Being As An Ocean – How We Both Wondrously Perish
“Much of my musical enjoyment comes from albums that help me through tough times and sadness. This album (and the next two) all signify a change in my mental state. These albums all help me to continue on through the worst of times. They make me happy. This is my favorite melodic hardcore album and it perfectly combines the more muted and beautiful aspects of music with the vicious and aggressive parts of hardcore.”

Casey – Love is Not Enough
“This album means a lot to me in the same way as the last album as these two bands are quite similar. This album is much of a continuation from the last but with my favorite parts from bands like Napoleon, Wolf & Bear and Title Fight.”

Vasudeva – No Clearance
“This album to me is my most important album emotionally and the greatest album I have listened to. I would sit in my room for hours in the night and listen to this album on repeat over and over. It would fill me with emotion and just fill me with so much creativity and positive thought.”


Watch the video for Semblance’s first single, “Angel”