Music for Musicians: An Interview with Fuzzy Weekends

This band just came across my radar recently and needless to say I was impressed. I was even impressed when I thought the band was still instrumental only. Then I come to find out these guys are incorporating vocals into their songs and are getting ready to sequester themselves and record an LP this year.
It’s not often I get to feature a band from Florida (my home state) so I’m happy to introduce Fuzzy Weeekends:

NT: You released your first EP in February. How long had you been together as a band before that?

FW: “We’ve only been a band since July of 2017 with our first show opening up for Invalids in August. I wrote and recorded the music in Portland before I moved back to Florida in March. I’ve known Chris since middle school, Greg played in a friend of mine’s old band and I met Cody outside of a Chon show so when I wanted to start playing shows, I knew exactly who to ask.”

NT: What were your musical backgrounds before forming Fuzzy Weekends?

FW: “We all come from a jazz or prog/shred background with some us playing music since we were kids.

NT: Glad to see you guys representing my home state. What other Florida based acts out right now do you feel are worth mentioning?

FW: “Right now, Gainesville’s whole music scene is rad but we gotta drop our dude’s name, Just Neighbors. What separates them from the pack is that not only do they write and record great music but they sound spectacular live.”

NT: Have you played many shows so far? If so, how have they gone? What were some of the best/worst experiences?

FW: “We’ve only played 6 shows so far to varying degrees of success. We’re music for musicians so it’s hard to click and resonate with a general audience but the reception we have gotten from the community has been tremendous. Our best show was coincidentally our worst show in Gainesville. We played with 2 great bands, made a bunch of friends but had a weak performance.”

NT: I get multiple submissions from math rock/post-rock bands every day but your music legitimately stands out. Are there any influences that help keep the material different?

FW: “True. it’s hard to stand out. Obviously, we love Chon and Polyphia but draw more heavily from bands like Minus the Bear and Six Gallery for vocals, lyrics and song structures. We think we bring an interesting take on the genre.”

NT:  I listened to both the BandCamp and YouTube versions of your EP.  Am I crazy or is the BC version completely instrumental? Were the vocals on “Last Call Babydoll” an afterthought?

FW: “You are not crazy. The bandcamp EP is an instrumental EP. It was my first time learning how to record and just wanted to release something. The live version of our songs on YouTube are how they are supposed to be played. However, I was never sure if I could find the caliber of musicians to free me up to sing so I released the material without vocals with the intention of that’s how it would be played live. We’ll be rereleasing Last Call Babydoll and IPA your Day Away with vocals on our upcoming full length.”

NT: Getting outside of your genre for a moment, what Hip-Hop/R&B acts out right now do you listen to if any?

FW: “Immortal Technique’s The 3rd World is always on repeat.”

NT:  I see you have a drink named after your song “Last Call Babydoll” at La Cuevita bar in Los Angeles. How did that come about?

FW: “I wrote the song about a girl that would occasionally come in to a bar I would go to in Portland. It would always be close to last call, she would be unusually dressed up and would playfully flirt with anyone left at the bar. To my knowledge, she never went home with anyone. However, it’s not a song about doing the deed or hooking up but about feeling lonely and the importance of wanting to feel the love and validation of being wanted by someone else. So in honor of the idea, I thought a cocktail would pair nicely with the song. We asked two or three people to come up with something but decided to let our friend Sol do it. If you can, have one, it is boozy and delicious.”

NT:  What are your plans for 2018? I assume we can look forward to more material and some shows?

FW: “As of right now, we’re going to take time away from playing shows to focus on recording a full length and start the record label submission process. We’re extremely excited about it and the prospects of it getting picked up. We’ll probably do an Orlando/Gainesville/Tallahassee/South Florida run in April 2018.”