Skrillex is being sued and demands fan undergo psychiatric evaluation, after stage dive caused her alleged stroke

In February 2014, Jennifer Fraissl sued Skrillex after he dove from the stage into the crowd during a show at LA’s Belasco Theater in 2012 and allegedly landed on top of her.

Fraissl, who later suffered a stroke from the trauma, claimed that she was standing near the front of the crowd when Skrillex beckoned the crowd forward and jumped, making it impossible for her to protect herself. She later sued him for unspecified damages.

Now, Skrillex is demanding that Fraissl undergo a second psychiatric evaluation, to which she is basically saying, “Fuck off.” In documents obtained by TMZ, she is refusing to abide to his requests due to the fact that she already has gone through an exam with her own doctors.

The judge will decide if she has to submit to further testing.