Kurt Travis is one of the busiest people in the music scene right now. Every time I turn around he’s touring with a new set of bands. Along with his solo project he has two other groups (Eternity Forever and Push Over) that he’s currently creating with.
As if that wasn’t enough he also runs a record label with his wife Lauren called Esque Records.
I caught up with Kurt when he finally got a break with his endless schedule to talk about all of his projects and what we can expect from him this year.
NT: We’ve seen Esque Records grow over the last year, what has been the most satisfying part of having your own label?
KT: “There’s so much that I enjoy about running my own label, but I guess the most satisfying part is learning from our (Lauren and I) mistakes and getting better at what we do and hopefully in turn becoming more professional with every album release.”
NT: What were a few of the best moments from your solo runs in 2016?
KT: “I have a horrible memory when it comes to actually recalling what happens on tour, but the best moments are the down times with the other bands just laughing and goofing off. I had the privilege of touring with The Appleseed Cast, Listener, and Atlas : Empire in the U.K. I didn’t know what to expect traveling alone, but as soon as I got to the first show and had hung out with everyone, we were instant friends. I traveled with the Atlas : Empire dudes from show to show, and they always had a comfy place to stay at night. I miss those guys so much! I hope I’m lucky enough to tour with them again soon.”
NT: After lots of solo touring I see you’re gearing up with two new projects.
KT: “Yeah! I’m currently trying to keep myself busy recording lots of new stuff so I can hopefully go back out and play the songs live. The circle of life. (he laughs) Record music, play them live for awhile, repeat.”
NT: Eternity Forever seems to go in a more “pop music” direction. What were the main influences?
KT: “When I came into the project, they asked me to sing reminiscent of Hiatus Kaiyote or Justin Timberlake, but I think it turned out to be more of a classic R&B vibe. With Brandon’s guitar style, and Ben’s drums, it makes for a great over all sound.”
NT: How did you link up with Ben and Brandon?
KT: “I’ve known Ben Rosett for years and have been collaborating on Strawberry Girls equally as long. I absolutely love Ian, Zach, and Ben so much…we’ve been close knit for awhile now. Brandon and I’s relationship just started, but I love the dude already. Very calm and collected which evens Ben and I out.” (he laughs)
NT: Push Over is a project I was beginning to wonder if we’d ever actually hear. How is the writing process between you and Thomas (Erak)?
KT: “Thomas and I have a very unique way of creating. It’s completely improvisational as far as the process in the studio. I have a little more time with vocals and lyrics because I track last, but my process is somewhat of on the spot as well.”
NT: How will that sound differ from Eternity Forever?
KT: “Eternity Forever will always have more of a jazzy funky feel. Push Over is a rock band with a twist of punk at times and is usually high energy; more along the lines of what Thomas and I are known for…The Fall of Troy and Dance Gavin Dance.”
NT: What has been the biggest challenge so far in balancing all you have going on?
KT: “Staying healthy and getting enough sleep is always the challenge for me when I’m traveling and singing. Trying to stay hydrated is very important and is often neglected when I travel.”
NT: It seems like you are so focused on your music, I wonder how you have time for anything else. What do you like to do in your free time?
KT: “I like to go grocery shopping with my wife Lauren. She makes everything fun. I love playing soccer with my dog, too. He’s a cute, little Chihuahua, but somehow he can pick a regular sized soccer ball up and run around with it. He’s obsessed with any tennis ball, soccer ball, or really anything that squeaks and is rubbery and bouncy.” (he laughs)
NT: Are you involved in any projects that we might not be aware of?
KT: “As soon as I am done with my new solo album, and after I’m done recording Push Over, I will be recording an EP with Strawberry Girls where I’ll be singing on every track.”
NT: The first Eternity Forever singles are getting a lot of attention and rightfully so. Is this the reaction you expected?
KT: “It’s the reaction that we had hoped for, absolutely! I’m very proud of what we have created, and I’m confident that everyone will enjoy the other tracks as well. We are so thankful for the incredible response to our first singles, we can’t wait to show the other tracks we recorded.”
NT: Can you share any details on what you have planned for the rest of 2017?
KT: “As soon as I’m done recording all these projects, my goal is to hit the road with every single one. I’m so incredibly lucky to be able to do what I do and for people to support the music I create. I just want to thank everyone for sticking by me all these years through all the bands I’ve been apart of. Thank you, Teal Cheese!”
*Thumbnail photo credit: Jesse Gomez of Existential Clothing Co.
Listen to Kurt Travis, Eternity Forever, and Push Over below: