Interview with Ryan Dunson of Rookie of the Year

With a total of three records already released, this North Carolina band has only bigger and better things in store for us in 2017.  Rookie of the Year has a kinda indie-pop-rock vibe, as described by singer Ryan Dunson.

In the very beginning Rookie of the Year started out as the solo project of Dunson and while the band has recently seen multiple “live band” line-up changes, with Dunson being the sole remaining member from the start, the band looks forward to getting back out on the road and touring again throughout 2017.

Ryan took some time out to answer a few questions and tell us a bit about the future of Rookie of the Year.

Kaitlin: Musically, who are some of your biggest inspirations?

Ryan: “When I was young it was Michael W. Smith and U2.  I grew up in a strict household.  Then I found out what Tooth & Nail Record was and it kinda molded me into a different style of writing from the artist on that label.”

Kaitlin: I know you will be taking the stage in Texas, at So What?! Music Festival, your first full band festival show, how excited are you for this?

Ryan: “I love Dallas! And this will be the first festival this year we are playing.  I’m super excited to watch the other bands too!  Many are bands we have toured with.”

Kaitlin: What is something that you enjoy doing outside of music, that contributes to your musicality?  Possibly a hobby that you turn to, in order to rejuvenate your creativity?

Ryan: “I go fishing a lot, that helps with writing lyrics.  As we all know it takes a lot of downtime waiting for a bite, lol.”

Kaitlin: What’s your song writing process?

Ryan: “I have two methods.  Lyrics and then you write to your lines or create the music and let your vocal create its part.  But it always starts with just an acoustic guitar on the couch.”

Kaitlin: What’s your favorite song you’ve ever written?

Ryan: “Love Me Crazy from The Goodnight Moon Part II is always a good one.  Kinda explains the last few years in a nutshell.  It’s on iTunes or YouTube if you haven’t heard it.”

Kaitlin: Since being in a band/being an artist, what is one of the most important/hardest things you’ve learned?

Ryan: “Three big things!  Patience.  Night Driving.  And Trust.  If you have those down, your band will be successful.”

Kaitlin: What can we look forward to in the future from Rookie of the Year?

Ryan: “2017 we will be doing 6-8 tours and record a new record that everyone will love!”

Keep up to date with all things Rookie of the Year!

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