Jose is one of those musicians who’s resume is hard to keep track of simply because it’s so extensive. He was a touring and session musician for bands MXPX and The Bunny The Bear (Victory Records). He is also the founding member of The Absentee Ballot, FLF, and the moniker he is currently touring under, Sunset Lily.
“Jose Garzon (born in Guayaquil – Ecuador) is a musician most widely known as the vocalist and guitarist for the pop-punk bands Sunset Lily, The Absentee Ballot and FLF, where he is the only constant member, as well as bass and guitar player for bands like MXPX and The Bunny The Bear.”
Elvis Presley- 1956 Studio Compilation
“Elvis and Ritchie Valens were the reason why I picked up a guitar. I remember playing this album on my moms turn table in her room and her being really mad for even touching her album collection (he laughs). I was a weird kid. Probably the only 10 year old obsessed with 60’s music in the early 90’s.”
Ritchie Valens- Story
“After watching the movie “La Bamba” in the early 90s I asked my mom to buy the movie soundtrack by Los Lobos and immediately became a fan! Just to find out days later that the songs were not by the original artist. I was heart broken. My friend Xavier at school told me his dad had a Ritchie Valens album and to come over and listen to it. I did! And that album became my freaking jam that year! What I really liked about RV is that he made the dream seem closer. He was Hispanic like me, and tried to conquer the market by connecting with his roots. That really hit me.”
Cafe Tacvba- Re
“This album was my intro to “Rock Latino” Cafe Tacvba was, and still is one of the biggest Mexican bands in the world. This album is so cool because they mix Mexican mariachi instruments with electric guitars, pianos, and Indian influenced percussion.”
Dos Minutos- Volvio la Alegria , Vieja!
“By the mid 90’s I was really into European, and American punk rock. Bands like The Clash, Rancid, and The Ramones was literally all I listened to. But I didn’t know any latino punk bands. That’s until my friend Teddy brought a cassette tape of this “newer” band from Argentina Called 2 Minutos de Advertencia and we didn’t really know what to think of it. It was good, It was heavier than the clash but not quite raw as Rancid. The singer was amazing !! Their second album Volvio la Alegria, Vieja was recorded live and that’s when they really showed their sound! The harmonies, and the raw Gibson SG straight to a JCM 800 Marshall amplifier guitar tone just makes this album SO GOOD!!! Its punk enough and pop enough to please everyone!”
Resorte- XL
“In the late 90’s there was a huge hip-hop/hardcore push in music! With Korn, Limp Bizkit, and The Deftones headlining all of that mess. Resorte is a band from Mexicali and they were really making it happen down there. They made it to MTV LATINO and got signed to a major label. The production of this album is just insane! Producer Jason Roberts has worked with Ozomatli, House of Pain, Control Machete and made this album one of the best albums of the early 00’s for RESORTE.”
Puya- Fundamental
“Puya is a band from San Juan, PR. They’re pretty much a salsa band with electric guitars, bass and drums. The metal and hardcore influences in this album are huge!! I dare you all to play the first track and not get hooked IMMEDIATELY! These dudes changed the game, for real …. I had the chance to work with them as a session musician in 2001 and it was one of the best learning experiences of my life.”
MXPX – Slowly Going Down the Way of the Buffalo
“After all of the metal and hip-hop faded in the early 00’s I had no option but to go back to my roots. But all of the 70’s and 80’s punk I once loved just wasn’t enough. My best friend and bandmate at the time “Moe” told me about a christian band from Bremerton, WA. He said “Dude, its like DOS MINUTOS … IN ENGLISH” I said “cool… I’ll check them out.”
He gave me this album and he never got it back. There’s a lot more than pop-punk in this album, there’s rock, there’s EMO, there’s hardcore… It’s just so good! Years later Mike Herrera (lead singer of MXPX) produced 2 of my albums and I was invited to tour as their guitar player for 3 years straight. Good times!”
Less Than Jake- Anthem
“I was never into ska. I was kind of AGAINST ska! Its was too happy, and I just didn’t get it. Coming from a punk rock and hardcore background this kind of music just didn’t attract me. That is until “MOE” (same friend…yes) gave me a copy of this album. They were a local band as I was living in Florida at the time, and I just couldn’t stop listening to it!! I was going through a break up at the moment and all of the lyrics hit me one after the other. If you’re looking for something new (to you) I promise you , you need this album in your life!”
Cute is What We Aim For- The Same Old Blood Rush With a New Touch
“This album is turning 10 this year. I picked this album because this it was a game changer for me. This was probably one of the first “poppy” albums I liked in the mid 00’s. This was my transition to Pop/Emo music. From here and on all I listened to was bands that sounded like this, and until today that’s all I listen to.”
Mayday Parade- Tales Told By Dead Friends
“In 2007 my girlfriend was going to college in Gainesville (UF) and she met this band at Warped Tour. They weren’t playing the tour just following it and selling their CD’s at the entrance line. She end up going to a lot of their first shows and got to see the original line up. She introduced me to this album and until this day its one of the best, most simple sounding, rock albums ever!”
Jose will be releasing a brand new acoustic album with his band Sunset Lily.
The album is called Diez and it will be released on 10/31/16.
Check out some of Jose’s music below. Pre-orders for Diez will be available on starting 10/20/16.
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& ON SNAPCHAT @HolaJoseGarzon