TECHNOLOGY Tuesday #35 – So You Want to be a Pokémon Master?


*The Green pulse does not actually relate to the direction the Pokémon is in. Only that the nearby Pokémon list is repopulating. I’ve changed #4 to a different (more accurate) way of finding nearby Pokémon.
*added #6

So unless you’ve been living under a rock or haven’t had access to the internet lately, you’ve probably seen a ton of people talking about Pokémon GO. Be it which team they’re on (and how much the other teams suck), an awesome Pokémon they caught or hatched, or that they ran out of Poké Balls and are too lazy to walk to Poké Stops to get more (this is me). With that, there is a lot of information about the game that people are finding out as time goes on. As such, here are five tips and tricks to help you on your journey to be the very best, like no one ever was.

#1 – What Hatches From What?


Thanks to, we now have this nifty chart for seeing which Pokémon hatch from which egg brackets (2, 5, and 10km). So if you’ve been aiming to hatch a specific Pokémon you’ve been unable to find close to where you live, you now have a means to know which egg brackets to focus on for you coveted Pokémon.

#2 – Battery Saver Mode

pokeGO4Speaking of hatching eggs, the big drawback to GO is that the app needs to be open for anything to happen within the game. As a workaround to this, the developers have their Battery Saving Mode that will darken your phone’s screen when your phone is upside down (in your pocket). So you can still get credit towards hatching your eggs and still get notified when you encounter a wild Pokémon! In addition to this, consider turning down your brightness all the way, turning sound off, disabling other apps while playing GO, and investing in an external battery pack. Chargers like the Anker Powercore 13000 ($26) or a solar charger like the Anker PowerPort Solar Lite ($50) are a good place to start.



#3 – What those circles mean when catching Pokémon

The smaller colored circle that changes size while you press down on the Poké Ball correlates to quite a few different things. The first and main thing being the difficulty of catching the Pokémon. Both the color and size relate to this. The smaller the circle, the lower the chance of the Pokémon breaking free. If the circle is green, there is no chance for the Pokémon to break free when the circle is at its smallest. If it’s red, there’s a high chance (source A user on reddit also explained some of the more intricate uses of the circle. Namely, more XP gain (check out the picture below):


#4 – Tracking and finding nearby Pokémon

If you’ve been struggling to find the direction that nearby Pokémon  are in, this image will definitely help. While it may be a lot to remember at first this is just a more in depth explanation of what a lot of us may have been doing naturally.

#5 – TYPES!

While this may seem like a no brainer to longtime fans of the Pokémon series, types still have strengths and weaknesses when battling in GO. This can play a big role in the outcome of battles. A team of weaker CP Pokémon could topple a stronger CP team by using types to their advantage. Finding a Pokémon with a move set that will benefit you could be a challenge since the moves could change when you evolve. In the event that you need a refresher, here is (yet another) chart!


#6 Eeveelutions

This will be fairly well explained by the image below. But if you provide the right nicknames for you Eevee upon catching it you can ensure that your Eevee will evolve into the desired eeveevolution.
