THREADS Thursday #23 – The Hundreds By Mark Riddick Collection

The Hundreds is huge. Thinking outside the box since their inception in 2003 has allowed them to consistently maintain relevance, forgoing a traditional fashion route to pave their own way as a brand and explore different territory. Known to collab with those who offer a unique perspective, The Hundreds has teamed up with artist Mark Riddick for their lastest. Riddick, last known for his work of Justin Bieber‘s Purpose World Tour merchandise, uses the capsule brings elements of death metal to streetwear with a collection of tees, hoodies and long sleeves.  It takes the current trend of metal band merch from the 80s and twists it,  opting to use Black Metal characteristics. Check out the collection below and cop it here.the-hundreds-by-mark-riddick-art-valentin The-Hundreds-by-Mark-Riddick-Cernunnos-pullover The-Hundreds-by-Mark-Riddick-Cernunnos-t-shirt The-Hundreds-By-Mark-Riddick-the-Council-Pullover-hooded-sweatshirt-hoodie The-Hundreds-by-Mark-Riddick-the-Council-T-Shirt The-Hundreds-by-Mark-Riddick-Valentin-long-sleeve