Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Announced (Trailer)

Dragon Ball fans rejoice! Bandai Namco dropped a trailer earlier today announcing the video game Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, the follow up the last spring’s DB: Xenoverse. The original saw you create your own Saiyan, using your character to travel through time and relive classic DBZ battle to protect history from an unknown enemy, and from the looks of the trailer, the sequel follows the same formula, with more DBZ enemies to tackle and a new in depth storyline. Dragon Ball Z games have been typically awesome, with the exception of Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit. The Dragon Ball Z: Budokai series was an untouchable part of my childhood, back when you had to leave your ps2 on all night if you didn’t have a memory card. The first Xenoverse took aspects of the old and blended in new systems like open world to give something for the younger generation to enjoy, so I’m sure 2 will be a lot of fun for new and old fans alike. Expect Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 to drop this summer for PS4, Xbox One, PC, and Steam. Check out the trailer below and let us know in the comments if this is a game for you.


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