Interview With Bleubird: Part Two

Bleubird is one of my very favorite hip hop artists. Especially since seeing him perform live. To say his show was impressive is a massive understatement.
He is also a fellow Florida native which could be part of why I relate so much to his sound.
I recently got a chance to sit down and speak with him about what’s on his playlist, what kinds of other art he’s into, and what’s coming next:

In case you missed it you can read PART 1 of my interview with Bleubird by clicking HERE!

N: What are you listening to right now?

B: “I’m all over the place. I’m really feeling this young cat out of Wisconsin, Trapo, he’s mainly on SoundCloud. The new Pusha T record is dope. The Dream sounds just like Dej Loaf on that Pusha track, “M.F.T.R.”. That’s actually my alarm. It gets me going in the morning.
Outside of hip hop I listen to a lot of (the punk band) Death, Torch, Tame Impala, Goat, (gotta love that world music). I’m really into Jacuzzi Boys. I’m all over the place with what I listen to.”

N: Do you get to go to a lot of shows?

B: “I actually just drove up to Orlando to see Charles Bradley at The Social. I wanted to see him in a small venue. It’s crazy, I’m playing a festival with him next month.
I’m playing SXSW this year so I’ll get to see a lot of different things.”

N: What’s the best show you’ve been to lately?

B:”Charles Bradley, hands down. That motherfucker, 67 years old and he made me cry three times. He grabbed my girls hand and called her an angel (he laughs). He’s amazing. I can’t say enough good things. He’s definitely not of this world. So much inspiration comes to me from his story. Same as Killer Mike. A lot of people said both of them were done years ago.”

N: Tell me about the “Street Talk” Series.

B: “Those were mix tapes that I put out for free. There were three of them and they weren’t even numbered chronologically” (he laughs).

N: What do you think has been the biggest challenge for you so far?

B: “There’s so many, honestly. Probably finance. Trying to stay afloat with not a lot of revenue stream from music. I was just getting my wings when I saw my friends getting that CD money. When all that went away is when I really started making moves and find ways to supplement my income. Having to have multiple side hustles. It’s difficult to manage my time and direct my attention to the right places. That and trying to keep some kind of personal and home life.”

N: What ways have you found to supplement your income?

B: “I bartend at a place called Laser Wolf. I’ve been there for years on and off. They’ve always been super cool about letting me take off on tour and come back to work on my off time. 
I have a friend with an IT company that I help out sometimes, when I need to.
Also, my girl and I have a clothing company called Two Titties. Lately that’s kind of been on the back burner with all I have going on. And she also does another company making vintage dresses.”

N: Is there any other kind of art outlet you take part in?

B: “I’m always designing things. Every time I do an album I like to do really special, specific things for pre orders. For Cannonball, I did 10 or 15 toy machine guns with the bayonet being a USB with a digital copy of the album and bonus features. I made them completely by hand.
This year for Lauderdale I made 6 wooden coffins, sanded and stained and inlaid purple velvet beds in them. I made rosary bead skull heads that were USB’s for that record as well.
I used to be into stage craft as I said earlier. We used to have a crew in Ft. Lauderdale called Black Locust Society and we were throwing a lot of underground warehouse parties. We were building huge art galleries and art installations.
I remember in Decemeber 2012 when it was supposed to be the end of the world we built this 50 foot cardboard pyramid for the bands to play in front of.”

N: Who in your close knit group of people do you feel is overlooked?

B: “Mr. Belvedere (Jabrjaw) not that he hasn’t had his time. I just think more people need to know how dope he is not only for production but also his raps. I’m hoping that Lauderdale is a good way for people to know his production and this new EP is a way for people to know his rap skills.
Zack G is another dude I’ve been around since the beginning who has always been in the background making moves to help everybody out. I feel like people should listen to more of his music.”

N: Do you work with a manager?

B: “No, that’s something I’ve always lacked and in some ways am jealous of. When it gets to times like right now when I’m always on the move management would be pretty amazing. Anyone who could help me work toward my goals would be great.”

N: What new music is in the works?

B: “Belvedere and I are working on an EP together. We were in the studio last night starting the process. He’s producing the whole thing and we’ll both be rapping. He is an amazing rapper as well as producer. He raps under the name Jabrjaw. Naturally he wants to hold all the best beats for himself being a producer and a rapper. But he was very generous in letting go of a lot of great production for the Lauderdale album.”

N: Is there a concept behind the record you’re in the studio for now?

B: “We’re still in the beginning stages. We just wanted to get one song recorded before I go off on tour for a while.  I’ll be doing three weeks with my homie Ecid from Minneapolis and we’re going all around the Midwest, Southwest, and West Coast. Then I fly to New Orleans to link up with Sadistik, Weerd Science, Upgrade, and Early Adopted for a week and that’ll run me through Florida and North Carolina. Then I’m home for a few weeks and then back on tour in June up the East Coast. Then I’ll be home for a week and then it’s off to Europe with Ceschi in early July.”


Check out Bleubird‘s music below and catch him on his upcoming shows. Links for tickets are available by clicking the dates below. You do not want to miss his performance!

4/5 New Orleans

4/6 Orlando, FL

4/7 Jacksonville, FL

4/8 Simpsonville, SC

4/9 Chapel Hill, NC

Support Bleubird on Bandcamp by clicking HERE!

Follow him on social media by clicking the links below: