Just Released | Spirant – ‘Until’

Charleston, South Carolina natives Spirant just released the debut single “Until” off of their upcoming EP “We Were Kids Once”. Their sound is very reminiscent of “Happiness” era Dance Gavin Dance as well as reminding me heavily of Artifex Pereo. Basically, very jazzy or mathy progressive rock or post hardcore. They are easily one of my new favorite bands off of this single alone and definitely have what it takes musically to blow up. Check out the single below, and if you like what you hear, keep an eye out for their EP which will be released February 21st independently.

Booking: spirantsc@gmail.com



Instagram @spirantsc



Spirant is

Vocals- Michael Owens

Guitar- Brad Baker

Guitar/Vocals- Andrew Hagan

Bass- William Mahoney

Drums- Andrew Munz