Underground Band Feature: Fearless Leader

fearless leader broFinding new bands is always great. It’s especially great when you find bands from your area you never knew existed. Fearless Leader is one such case. The Math Rock – Post Hardcore band from Seattle, WA was a recent find for me, although they impressed me right out of the gate. They recently released their EP “The Life and Death of Thomas” on August 14th of this year. They did a small tour with Minor Plains up and down the west coast to promote it. The EP itself runs at around 20 minutes and is a great mix of Math Rock and Post Hardcore with other influences thrown in.

They’re the first Math Rock band I started listening to from here and they are one of my favorites. Check them out if you’re a fan of bands such as A Lot Like BirdsStolasThe Fall of Troy, and POSTMADONNA (another math-rock band from the Seattle area).

The EP is $3 USD and is well worth the price and their previous release, “Fiercely Loyal”, is only $4 USD.

Give them a like on Facebook HERE.

Check out all of their music on Bandcamp HERE.

Check out the video for the Intro track to their latest release below.