Kyle Lucas & Jonny Craig Live! Kyle Lucas Interview

FB_IMG_1442842118297I had the privilege attending the Kyle Lucas/Jonny Craig show in Tampa last week. Both of them put on amazing performances that left you wanting more of the set. The vocals were just as good if not better than the artists’ recorded material. Kyle even played some songs off his new album “Marietta, Georgia: The Album”.

I linked up with Kyle a few weeks before the show and he was kind enough to sit down with me that night to discuss his brand new album, tour, and more.

N: So the album comes out tonorrow, how are you feeling about it?”

KL: “Thirty minutes ago, actually.” (we laugh and he pauses, putting his hands on his head) “It really hasn’t sunk in. At all. I’m going to celebrate after we leave here.”

N: You just got back from a tour in the UK, how did the crowds treat you there?

KL: “It was incredible. It was my first time there. I have a lot of fans over there that have never seen me. It was dope to finally be able to play for them.”

N: How has Florida been so far?

KL: “This is the first FL date and honestly when we pulled up to the venue we thought we were at the wrong place. Although it’s s small venue the crowd’s are insane so that made it better. We didn’t really know what to expect but the show was great.”

N: So tell me about the production on this album, did Simon (Illa) do it all?

KL: “Actually Simon executive produced the whole thing but Judge made most of the beats. Illa did a few and so did Kyle Shlenger.”

N: In respect to the album what are you the most proud of?

KL: (he pauses and stares off)…”That it came out. It’s crazy. It was all done independently. I used my own money to fund everything so it was a big risk. This album took a year and a half to come out so the fact that it was released thirty minutes ago blows my mind. I’ve been talking about it for a year and a half and it’s finally here.”

N: What’s your dream tour lineup (you included)?

KL: “Coheed headlining, Slaves as direct support and me opening up. I think it would be really diverse. One of my biggest pet peeves is tours where all the bands sound exactly the same. The first tour Jonny (Craig) and I did, Secrets were direct support. Seems weird but it works in a world where people’s iPod’s are so diverse.”

N: Will there be a Veritas music video?

KL: “Yup, it’s already shot. It’s done I’m just not positive what the release date will be. Very soon.”

N: What’s next after this tour? Headliner?

 KL: “Not yet. I don’t think I’m big enough but thats probably just me being insecure. There’s another tour in the works that’s pretty big. After that I want to make a music video for all 14 tracks on Marietta. I have four already done. I’d like to release one every month. I’m just so happy this is finally my album, retail ready, no samples, all original Kyle Lucas.”

Buy “Marietta, Georgia: The Album” HERE.

Listen to a Marietta, Georgia: The Album below: