Paradise or Oblivion?

If we all light up we can scare away the dark.

“Paradise or Oblivion? That sounds like a pretty simple question, doesn’t it? Unfortunately, we as humans like to believe that we are not responsible for our actions. There is a constant tendency not to admit our faults and an apprehension not to speak our minds – all based out of fear.
Somewhere along the road, someone decided to tell you how to think or feel, and all because someone once told them how to think and feel. It’s actually quite a vicious circle we’re all colliding in. You’ve literally been scared into a way of life that, quite frankly, is no longer working. The sand in this hourglass is dissipating- and fast!

In our reality- the reality we have created for ourselves as separate individuals- is anything really impossible? Or is it just uncomfortable?

I hear everyday from those elders of ours,  “the world will never change “  – it’s “impossible”  … but is it? Is anything really not possible? Or does the fear hold us back from the possible? That fear lives within each and every one us because we let it. Change is scary but indeed it is possible – and yes change is happening even now, in this particular moment, especially!  We have definitely come to a pivotal crossroads in our human existence.  We owe it not only to ourselves, but our children, our past, present and future – to be who we are, at our best.

Now you ask, as I did: ‘How do we do this?’ ‘What is the plan?’ ‘Is there a plan?’ ‘Is there an alternative?’ ‘A logical alternative?’ so many questions, right!?

I, myself, began a journey in search of answers when something told me to return home to Florida. I had felt defeated in Toronto – not finding any writing gigs worth anything – that fought for something, a job that fulfilled my passions.
Now, it is an innately human trait to at some point search for answers. That is essentially what all religions are – the sufficient answers meant to guide us through life with love in our hearts.
To make decisions based on the good of all and not just the good of one. Somewhere along the line we have forgotten how to ask questions. We just accept what we’re told now, without stopping to think “oh that’s sounds a bit off – surely there must be a way to run our cars without destroying the Canadian wetlands”  – that is not acceptable!
We have to question what we are told. It is when I started asking some of these questions that I was told to watch “The Venus Project” and there, I just might find the answers I seek – better, some alternatives – albeit a conceivable paradise for everyone!

A man by the name of Jacque Frescoe had all of the fore mentioned questions and then some – but in the 1930’s. He was self taught about everything from Aristotle to what would be the industrial revolution. He was actually one of the minds behind several methods of technology we use today. In particular the flying wing on every airplane – that was his design. He even somehow crossed paths with Einstein in New York City one evening along his journey – he would then go on to leave the government sector of technological development (in weapons and aircraft) and would develop a design for a sustainable home – again, in the 30s!!
This project would inevitably be shut down by the “powers that be” – as an affordable sustainable home would no doubt destroy the then budding real estate market. Essentially, you can’t capitalize on sustainability – it’s just not profitable – until now. Now, we must re-evaluate our idea of “profitable.”  Do we continue our patterns; the patterns that make us feel safe? Or do we take the road that should be more travelled by? I ask that you watch this documentary with an open mind – without judgment, or assumption – watch it while thinking of what it is you truly want out of this life.

Watch the full documentary HERE:

“Jacque Frescoe is 94 years old – this is his dream, a dream he has made an actual REALITY. It is is also my dream and it could be yours too!  At this junction, we can either come together for change, or continue down this path of selfish and heartless destruction. Feel as if you still have a choice, my friends.

We should run through the forests. We should swim in the streams. We should laugh. We should cry. We should LOVE. WE SHOULD DREAM!

 We should stare at the stars and not just our screens.

 So, please, SING! Sing at the top of your voice! Refuse to accept the excuses. HAVE A VOICE.

 We all want something REAL – not just hashtags and twitter.

 Believe that we do have a choice!  RISE UP! Turn on your lights! For if we all light up, we can scare away the dark! We can be the change we wish to see in the world! Jacque has the blueprints – so take a look and let yourself be inspired — let yourself DREAM and more importantly let yourself love without restriction… for that is all we need. Only love, ya’ll. The rest will follow.

Here’s to wishing on some stars and making our collective dreams a reality!

WE CAN DO IT!! You just have to LIGHT UP! No more hiding your lights under baskets!!  No more fear. Just LOVE.

Dream BIG … and above all, Keep that head lookin’ UP! ;)”

– by Ariel Winslow

Passenger- “All The Little Lights” Full Album


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