““There is a fundamental illusion in the world that somehow people are separate from nature – when the reality is that we are part of nature. In fact, we are nature.” – “The 11th HOUR” (film)
Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey!
This is NOT a test of the emergency broadcast system!
“Humankind’s 11th hour has arrived: The last moment where we can change course and stop our rush toward globalecological collapse. It’s not just the 11th hour – it’s 11:59.”
Will our generation (yes, my fucking generation) create a sustainable world in time? We have the technology right now to change the world – to save the world! (Google Geothermal Energy – google Wave Power Do some research, PLEASE!? – you owe it to not only humanity – but the world!) These are not technical issues as much as leadership issues.
“Why did you go to university, friends? Because you wanted to get a job – that high paying career?
Well guess what:
“You can stack those chips as high as ya like, but you’re never going to have it all!” – O.A.R (Of A Revolution)
“This generation has the opportunity to completely change this world that has provided for us – at no monitary cost– everything we could ever desire. We didn’t have to pay anyone for the ocean, for the sun, for the beauty that is our soul -we are undeniably connected to this planet. It’s not just our home, it provides us with LIFE – the ability to breathe – the ability to love, the option to truly see!
Above all else, do yourself a favor – see this film! This world is currently all we have. This planet, if you stop to look, is beyond incredibly beautiful – it is indescribable what you can see if you stop to look! We are without a doubt, DESTROYING that! Look around– for fucks sake, look up! Hopefully you can see the light.”
“500 years from now, people COULD look back and say this was humanity’s finest hour. Or they could not look back at all. This is an incredibly high stakes game of poker…”
“It’s The 11th Hour and the clock is gonna keep on ticking – regardless if you choose to change or not.
Peace and Love ya’ll! We’re all under the same sun. Don’t forget to look up!”