Must See! Monday #23- Teal Cheese Overseas Sports: Türkspor Neckarsulm

Today we have another guest post from the Teal Cheese German Ambassador: Amanda Lucy Bagley. Giving you a story of the local soccer heros in Neckarsulm, Germany.

“Around October of last year the coach of a local soccer team asked me if I would come to one of their games. I love sports. All sports. I live in Germany and I’m a die hard FC Bayern Munich fan and lets not forget who won the 2014 World Cup.


“Since I moved here I have to been a total of 5 Bundesliga games including 2 at the Hoffenheim Arena and 3 at Allianz Arena.
I understand the dedication it takes to play well, these boys hold down jobs and some even go to school on top of that and yet they still manage to kill it on the field.”

“Come the first weekend in December they played in a Derby against the other team from Neckarsulm. They won!! It was also a somber night, as a few days earlier in Offenbach am Main, Germany a 23 year old woman was killed by an 18 year old man in a McDonalds parking lot for defending some young girls who they were harassing in the bathroom. The team made a banner comemorating Tuğçe Albayrak.”


“That night I was officially inducted as head cheerleader and they gave me on old kit! For me, having an activity like this where I can have fun and support players who treat me with respect is really important.”

“In the winter there are many inside court tournements in the area. We went to a big one at the Glastpalast Sindelfingen but unfortunately we fell short in the last round and didn’t get to move onto the huge final. But these guys never quit!”

edit“Next, Court Cup in Leingarten was won and they insisted I take a photo with the trophy.

On New Years day they threw a surprise birthday party for the coach and when I walked in they started cheering and applauding for ME! That’s love!! They all made a bunch of food and we even sang Karoake I was forced to do a couple numbers (like always) I did my version of Kanye Featuring Estelle, “American Boy.”





“On January 11th they won a couple big trophies at a tournement in Neuenstadt. They even made a special shout out to their number 1 fan!






Getting to know them all and the jokes we have shared are absolutely priceless they have taught me how to say “fuck off” in Türkish “siktir” and one of the boys is trying to learn English enough to hit on a girl”Are you cola?” = Would you like to drink a cola? and my favorite “Are you disco?” indeed I am bro! I am discoSWAG and a side of Teal Cheese as well!

Congrats to the Türkspor boys for being number one in our hearts!!”

Fußball fans check out the Türkspor Neckarsulm Facebook page!