Teal Cheese Overseas! Cro Show in Germany!

Our good friend Amanda Bagley AKA Murda is back with a show report after seeing her boy Cro last weekend! She brings with her Joey Barrett of Atlanta to give you the scoop on the guy with the Panda mask…
Amanda: “I managed to rent a BMW for the way since the Deutsche Bahn (German Railway) decided to strike for the weekend. Not bad, huh? For some immigrants!!”

“I knew she hadn’t been North on the A6 yet, and since it’s the Autobahn we were making good time anyway. We decided to make a real quick pit stop in Sinsheim to check out the airplanes (her and my fathers were both pilots!)

Joey: “The ride up was fantastic, (I mean it was a rented BMW). Watching the autumm leaves turning on the vineyards looked like a patchwork quilt of amazing German color. Sadly, the turning leaves forshadowed an energy turning for the American girls…”
“The hotel was rather schöne for some ratchet girls and we swagged hard on multiple liquores listening to only the choice beats. Pretty girls are as pretty girls do so we pre-gamed pretty hard. And luckily for us some sweet teenagers left us a half drunk bottle of Riesling outside of the show. We downed some stranger’s wine and the real fun began.”

Amanda: we heard the music start and figured maybe its time to go in. I had the email from the “Kathi” from Chimperator with my passport

but…my name wasnt on the list. Thank God for scalpers!!! 80 euros and some cigs as a tip got us in!

“Kinder überall! (kids everywhere) I love that a kid just said “Cro is a cool guy and this is what I wanted for my birthday!” wie süß? (how sweet?)”

“Hey Girl” is the latest record from his album. If you translate the lyrics:
And if you were a birthday, I would surely be a clown
If you were boredom, I would like to sit in a traffic jam
And if you were a crime, I would long since be in the penitentiary”

THE SONG SOUNDED BETTER LIVE!! The combination of his lyrics and amazing voice and rapping skills is something of genius. I had the chills.
I would say the real stand out was this Teesy guy.

Dear god how can you sing so amazingly live? Without autotune? So good. With Cro on the piano as well. What can’t this guy do?
Props to DaJaun as well!!

He has one of those deep, raspy voices and spits insanity. I remember back in 2008 I thought good German hiphop and rap couldn’t be done. Sure Sido has been around for awhile but lets just say we aren’t impressed by what he has to offer. He will never be anything outside of the German speaking world
When Traum came on and I made my way to the front. I got there but not with out some stupid little girls kicking the back of my legs and security telling me that I am about to get thrown out. It’s all good babe. scheißegal. It seemed it like it was over then but the kids weren’t going home until they heard his breakthrough single Easy. I was doing cartwheels stage left, I love that song!!!!

I didn’t realize how many kids were there (a sold out crowd of 11,000) until they were filing out. Some took longer than others. I think one kid tried to come talk to us about being from NY (yeah, right) and I recieved a random piece of origami from someone (danke!)
All in all I was so enchanted I considered hiding in the gear truck and riding with.

This kid could break it anywhere. Regardless of what language it is. He is in this for the right reason. What kind of best selling rap artist could host an all ages event? The Bild (German Tabloid) wants to know if an English album is next for him – he said “Maybe. Why not? I can hear everyone in America singing along to his songs already!!!

Thanks to everyone for putting on such an amazing show!! So much love for the kid in the Panda mask!!! 24 years old and he’s got my heart!!!!”

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: Teal Cheese’s first guest post CRO: ARTIST FEATURE

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