“Shooting Helicopters” is a project that has been in the works for well over a year now. Benassi says he wasn’t sure if Serj would want to be involved in an EDM song but the two hit it off immediately when they met in LA in mid 2013. Producing a song that utilizes Serj’s voice and range was a challenge to say the least. Read what Benny said about the creative production process for this song after the jump.
Read what Benny Benassi said about working with Serj’s vocals
“The idea of bringing Serj’s vocal style into our musical environment was a real challenge. As soon as Alle and I started experimenting with the music under the vocals, I was immediately struck by the atmosphere of the song which is decidedly different from most things you here at the festivals I play at and unlike anything we’ve done so far, ourselves. I started playing embryonic versions out, especially as a set opener and the effect was devastating. We kept working on the music until we were 100% satisfied. I’d like to thank Serj for being part of this. Respect,” Benassi says.
my 2 cents: “it would have been better if SOAD or BENNY BENASSI would have just made a track for their own brands, not this PR stunt…but that’s just me “