DIY Saturday #7 : Photography/Videography

Want to learn how to become the next best film maker/photographer?

DSLR (digital single-lens reflex camera)

A DSLR and other digital cameras are now entering the hands of more and more people everyday! Music videos, independent films, and Instagram models are all benefiting from these revolutionary reflex designed camera’s that allow light to travel through the lens, then to a mirror to be able to alternate and send the image to either the view finder or the image sensor.


In this weeks DIY – You can learn the basics from dicasafilm as he discuses Shutter Speed, Aperture, F-Stop, ISO, and Depth of Field.

This tutorial is for people who have never used a camera before and are getting into Photography and/or Filmmaking for the first time. 

In addition I thought I’d share two more links that will help with the basic principles of photography.

3 Point Lighting!

Audio for Cameras


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